Monday, November 9, 2009

An excellent story about how four chaplains paid the ultimate sacrifice on U.S. Warship Dorchester in the North Atlantic, which was attacked in 1943. Read more here:

The article also talks about how "the chaplains brought more than prayer to the battlefield, they brought stability and hope." Do you know of a chaplain who helped you through a difficult time or difficult deployment? Please tell us about it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Returning from the War Zone: Guide for Families of Military Members

An excellent link that helps families of veterans understand what their loved ones experienced while they were deployed, especially veterans that were in a war zone - which is practically every veteran these days. I think this will also be a helpful guide for our church as we strive to minister to the needs of veterans. We can't minister to veterans if we don't understand them.

One of the stats that struck me the most in this guide was the war zone experiences reported by members of the U.S. military in Iraq:

Being attacked or ambushed - 60 %
Receiving incoming fire - 86 % (!)
Being Shot at: 50%
Discharged weapon: 36%
Seeing dead bodies or remains: 63%
Knowing someone seriously injured or killed - 79% (!)

These stats were based on samples of troops serving in Iraq in 2006, a very bad time to be a U.S. Servicemember in Iraq.